What and Where is Perth?

Perth City Skyline

Perth City Skyline

In a WA Today news article, Fairfax Media journalist Emma Young explores peoples' perception of Perth and discussed two reports on the subject Big (and small) ideas for Perth and Creating Great Australian Cities. The article encouraged readers to tale a short survey.

The proposition is that Perth lacks a "Brand" and that more positive perception outcomes would be achieved through good branding.

During the recent development of a tourism strategy for one of our local government clients we identified that destination branding needed to go hand-in-hand with wayfinding and of course, tourism product development. Wayfinding is variously defined but goes beyond maps and signage. Wayfinding is the cognitive and corporeal process and experience of locating, following or discovering a route through and to a given space. (Symonds et al, 2017).

Dr Paul Symonds, a recognised expert in wayfinding attempts to describe the common mistakes made in establishing a wayfinding process in this video: 

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