There's no shame in adults playing with Lego

There's no shame in adults playing with Lego

What other practical applications do you know for Lego? According to ABC News Lego robotics have been introduced to the classrooms of Newman Senior High in Western Australia with the goal of giving students a first-hand understanding of key aspects of the mining industry.

Lego robots teach students in hope of filling hi-tech skills gap |

A school in Western Australia has adopted the innovative pedagogic technique of using Lego robotics to teach students about mining processes, with the long-term goal of providing skilled tech-savvy workers to the region's flourishing resources sector.
According to ABC News Lego robotics have been introduced to the classrooms of Newman Senior High in Western Australia's Pilbara region as part of an alliance program with the Department of Education with the goal of giving students a first-hand understanding of key aspects of the mining industry.


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