Brighthouse Builds Quairading's New Agricultural Show Building

Brighthouse Builds Quairading's New Agricultural Show Building

What if you're just 3 weeks away from the annual Agricultural Show and construction on the new Agricultural Show building hasn't started?

That was the predicament  in which the Shire of Quaidaring and the Quairading Agricultural Society found themselves when all the local builders advised that they were were committed on other projects.

With the Show opening looming on 8 September, Quairading Shire Chief Executive Officer, Graeme Fardon called Brighthouse on 18 August with an urgent request for assistance.

Brighthouse had previously consulted to the Shire on a concept caravan park design and redevelopment plan.

Brighthouse Director, David Holland reviewed the drawings and specifications for the 25 x 15 metre engineered shed and agreed to accept the Construction Manager role for the project. Brighthouse appointed Associate and registered Builder, Clint Hood to organise the project and supervise the group of qualified local tradespeople who were on tap to construct the building.

The shed components were engineered in Queensland and arrived in Quairading on 20 August. Brighthouse established a program and met the team on site the next day to discuss the project plan. 

Utilising Shire of Quairading Works Dept, local tradespersons and experienced volunteers, Brighthouse commenced the construction of the building immediately.

The program called for a 7 day a week work schedule in order to meet the Show deadline and local tradesman, Adam Duncan of A D Carpentry put in long hours to have the shed components assembled, while the siteworks were were underway.

Agricultural Society President, Noel Stone acted as procurement manager and roped in local volunteers and machinery to speed up the job.

Using its online project management system, Brighthouse kept everyone up to date on the project and allocated tasks to the project team members, according to the program.

Within 5 days of commencing work, the siteworks were completed, foundations poured and the shed trusses assembled. The shed columns and other complents were set out awaiting curing of the concrete footings before the shed columns could be erected.

The construction project can be followed by clicking on the following: photo gallery.

The Show Building is now complete and ready for the 2012 Quairading Agricultural Show.


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