Smart Blogging to Drive Traffic to Your Holiday Park Website

Smart Blogging to Drive Traffic to Your Holiday Park Website

Blogs are an ideal way of increasing the number of visits your holiday park website gets and this will convert to more business. If your blog is filled with appropriate SEO (search engine optimisation) key words, this will further help your customers find you more easily when Google searching.

Getting Help to Set up Your Blog

You might be tempted to go for it yourself and try and design the blog to go on your website. If you have the tech-skills to do this effectively, go for it, otherwise, you may want to consider getting a web or IT specialist to set up your blog. Getting an IT specialist to create an attractive blog, filled with SEO keywords and working seamlessly with your current website design, could be a major asset to your holiday park.

The Benefit of Your Blog to Customers

In addition to making your website/blog appear within the top hits on a Google search, your blog also helps customers learn more about your holiday park. Plus your blog is useful for a number of other reasons:


  • It allows your holiday park to raise your expertise, positioning you as an authority in the field of holiday tourism, which boosts your credibility and likeability.
  • When paired with RSS feeds, it allows postings to instantly fill the mailbox or feed reader of everyone who has opted in.
  • It allows free feedback due to its ability to allow readers to post their own comments and questions. This is an effective way to get a conversation going between you and customers.
  • It can bring top search rankings for phrases which may not have been thought about in planning.
  • It shows a human side to your commercial holiday park and a personal side to the static website.
  • It fits in well with other social media platforms like Twitter.


Your Blog Gives a Human Face to Your Park

The point about giving a human side to your holiday park is particularly important. Putting a human face to an organisation or business builds empathy and trust in the readers. Studies have shown that customers are more likely to purchase products or services from organisations which put a human face on their websites. Your blog can do that with text, photos and videos. With every photo in each entry, try and include people in it wherever possible.

Blogs Will save You Money on Support Calls and Emails

If your website doesn’t have a FAQ section, this can be included in your blog. You can take a list of common questions and post the questions and answers as a blog post. Then the next time that question comes up, customer service can be expedited by sending a link to the answer on the blog. In this way, an active blogging effort can address recurring issues. A service-centred blog can help reduce a number of questions coming up in the first place.

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