The caravanand camping sector is now getting the recognition it deserves with the release of the WA Caravan and Camping Action Plan following the announcement of the 34.4 million funding allocation in the 2013 State Budget.
The plan states that "camping and self-drive experiences is a tourism development priority within the State Government Strategy for Tourism in Western Australia 2020 and is aimed at increasing visitors to regional WA."
"The purpose of the Western Australian Caravan and Camping Action Plan 2013-2018 (Action Plan) is to
increase opportunities for Western Australians and visitors to experience affordable and safe caravan and camping
holidays in Western Australia."
The action plan recognises the contribution of Brighthouse in its report A Strategic Approach to Caravanning and Camping Tourism in WA 2012:

"In 2009 the Western Australian Government Economics and Industry Standing Committee delivered the Inquiry into the Provision, Use and Regulation of Caravan Parks (and Camping Grounds) in Western Australia."
"Tourism WA subsequently commissioned consultancy firm Brighthouse Strategic Consulting to investigate the tourism recommendations made by the Parliamentary Inquiry and to assess the current and future needs of the caravan and camping sector. Findings in the Brighthouse report, A Strategic Approach to Caravanning and Camping Tourism in WA 2012 guided the development of the Action Plan."
"The Action Plan contains 11 recommendations aimed at improving the supply, delivery and promotion of the caravan and camping sector. In developing this Action Plan, Tourism WA undertook a range of activities including seeking advice from specialist caravan park consultants, Brighthouse and interested and affected stakeholders."
"The State government will invest $34.42m over four years to implement the Action Plan. This investment includes a component of the Parks for People program aimed at increasing camping and caravan park sites and visitor facilities in National Parks and Reserves that experience high levels of visitation."