Construction & Mining Camps

Construction & Mining Camps

Brighthouse provides mining and construction camp design services, feasibility studies, forward works, approvals and tender documentation.

Workers' camps are an essential element of projects where the workforce is sourced outside the local area. For resource mining projects and infrastructure construction, there is often no viable alternative. 

Companies understand that worker productivity and worker's camp living standard are closely aligned. The provision of comfortable accommodation, good food and recreational facilities are critical to maintaining a contented and committed workforce.

Typical Worker's Camp

Typical Worker's Camp

Whether the project workforce is fly-in, fly-out or residential depends on the project's duration and location. Either way worker's accommodation must be provided. Worker's camps are a charge on the "bottom line" of projects and can significantly impact start up costs. Amortised over the life of longer term projects they become just another operating expense that need to be factored into the project. With short duration projects the cost has a greater impact on the project's feasibility.

4 Room Single Person's Quarters

4 Room Single Person's Quarters

There are several options for establishing camps and structuring operations. Brighthouse has experience in the tried and tested models which include Company owned and operated camps, build-own-operate (BOO) and various hybrids of the above models. We have also created new innovative solutions for our clients that have resulted in substantial project savings and cash flow retention.

Relocatable Building Production Line

Relocatable Building Production Line

Brighthouse provides feasibility studies, mining camp design and forward works, construction camp design, approvals, tender documentation, contract documents and tender assessment. We project manage a select number of projects which includes camp construction and establishment.

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